Historically the ceramic has been very much linked to the suburb of Triana, this “arrabal” (a word that derives from the Arabic meaning urban sprawl) it consolidates with the construction of the “Puente de barcas” a wooden bridge on top of boats in 1771 by the Caliph Abu Yaqub Yusuf, the story of this place is very much linked to that of the River Guadalquivir which at time will leave the place uncommunicated from the centre given the floods that occurred, and that imprinted a social and economic independent character to the suburb different to that of Seville. It was its maritime connection and the commerce with the indies and the necessity to provide ceramic product to the colonies abroad which promoted the ceramic business, been the XVI century the first golden period of ceramic industry in Triana, and that after a long period of decadence will rise again in the XIX century thanks to the industrialist Charles Pickman in the Cartuja Monastery.
This project was born out of an ideas competition to restored the old potter's workshop of “Ceramicas Santa Ana” and provide cultural and touristic use of it, locating in it a space for the interpretation of touristic itineraries as well as spaces for commercial activities and production of the factory. The first price of the competition was awarded to AF6 Architects in the year 2009 with the rehabilitation works commencing on December 2010 and the entire project completed in 2013.

This work reveals a whole hidden world even if very strongly linked to the suburb of Triana, but one that was kind of invisible because indoors we could not appreciate what went on inside the ovens and the work related to it and that now can be contemplated in this museum. A building that was still in use not so long ago, this grew out of its necessities, depending on the use needed or what was to be fabricated or the need for storage etc. now there is another layer to it, the museum use of it.
This ceramic factory is located on top of another much older dating from medieval time, with the later wood oven closing around 1970, however the ceramic production was somehow maintain until the year 2005. Luckily since 1999 there is a Special Protection Plan of Triana sector 14 identifying this potter’s workshop as “edification of great topological interest and to have an specific protection”.

And so an agreement was reached for the local government to become the owner of the premises, now the lower floor will be habilitated for the Santa Ana Ceramic Company to still carry its work and productivity as well as selling its products. Also the local government will acquire their collections which the factory kept, these are considered of great interest and were restored in the IAPH or Andalusian Institute of Historical Heritage.

So the museum is developed over the old potter's workshop restored, having a hybrid program which alternates activities such expositions, workshops for the factory of Cerámica Santa Ana-Rodríguez Díaz S.L as well a commercial activities too. The new spaces below are adapted to the lower height in existence and not going over them, this project does not pretend to be a visual referent in the Triana landscape in regards to its exterior on the contrary it is of intimate character with almost a labyrinth like feeling which takes us around the history of ceramic and this place.
Sources: AF6 Arquitectos, IAPH
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